Minister of Health: (1,047,250) births during the past year


The Minister of Health, Dr. Saleh Mahdi Al-Hasnawi, announced that more than one million and 47 thousand births have been recorded during 2023 in Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, with 535 thousand male births and 511 female births.

The minister explained in a statement that “health institutions in Iraq recorded during the past year 2023 about (1,047,250) births throughout Iraq, including the Kurdistan region.”

The minister added that “male births were (535,946) births, while female births were (511,304),” indicating that “Baghdad Governorate had the highest number of births, with (202,550) births.”

Dr. Al-Hasnawi explained that ‘the rate of natural births reached (556,356), while cesarean births reached (490,894) births.’

He pointed out that “the number of births recorded by the Ministry of Health during 2022 amounted to (906,121) births, with (463,327) males and (442,794) females.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency