Paris, The Minister of Education, Mousa Al-Magarif, stressed the commitment to ensure optimal nutrition to enhance students’ intellectual and physical development, affirming the importance of school nutrition in achieving food security as well as their positive impact on the local economy.
Al-Magarif, in his remarks at the first conference of the Global Alliance for School Meals that was held in Paris, reviewed the efforts to launch the national school nutrition project during 2021, from which 10,000 students benefited, stressing the ministry’s interest in providing a central kitchen in cities and regions where there is a high or medium student density.
Al-Magarif referred to the efforts of the Ministry’s School Nutrition Committee and the results of its communication with the World Food Program in establishing foundations and mechanisms that lead to national ownership of the school nutrition project through holding workshops and training national cadres to implement school nutrition programs.
At the conclusion of his speech, he stressed that the event represents an opportunity to achieve one of the most important sustainable development goals in the world, revealing the efforts made to build strong, sustainable partnerships at the regional and international levels and with humanitarian organizations.
Source: Libyan News Agency