Turkish FM: the time has come for the Security Council to recognize the State of Palestine after it received recognition from 150 countries

Istanbul, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan confirmed that the UN Security Council must recognize the State of Palestine, which has been recognized by 150 countries so far.

Fidan said in a press statement after participating in meetings on Palestine in Brussels yesterday, Sunday: The recognition of Palestine by Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia as a state, and the increase in the number of countries that recognize Palestine to 150, is extremely important and requires the UN Security Council to recognize the state of Palestine, and this is a requirement of international law and humanitarian conscience.

Fidan indicated that he participated in three important meetings on Palestine in Brussels, organized by the European Union countries and the Islamic Contact Group regarding Palestine, stressing that it was an important series of meetings in terms of efforts made to raise the level of awareness about Palestine.

The Turkish Foreign Minister stressed that the international community’s sympathy and support f
or the Palestinian cause is gradually increasing and that he felt this in the meetings in Brussels.

Regarding Turkey’s position regarding Palestine, Fidan said, “Although we appreciate the international support provided to the Palestinian Authority since the Oslo Accords, what is most important is not only supporting Palestine, but granting it a state that enjoys complete freedom and sovereignty.”

He stressed that when this is achieved, the Palestinian economy will also naturally improve.

He pointed out that the agenda of the second meeting was more strategic, and Fidan explained that what could be done practically regarding the path to establishing a Palestinian state was appropriated and that the world is well aware of the problem in both Gaza and Ramallah, and they mentioned that they discussed how to move forward after adopting the two-state solution.

He said that the answer to this question was sought with the countries participating in the meeting, stressing the importance of recognizing Palestine a
s a state, especially by 4 European countries recently.

He added: The recognition of Palestine by Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia as a state, and thus the increase in the number of countries that recognize Palestine to 150, is extremely important.

He stressed that Turkey believes that it is imperative for the UN Security Council to recognize the State of Palestine, since the number of recognizing countries has reached 150, stressing that “this is a requirement of international law and the human conscience.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency