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Libyans celebrate, 11th anniversary of February 17 revolution, and they are more committed to ensuring that Libya remains united


Tripoli- The Libyans to celebrate tomorrow, Thursday, 11th anniversary of February 17 Revolution, amid official and popular preparations and festive manifestations in all neighborhoods, squares and streets in various cities and villages.

The manifestations of adornment, joy and rejoicing prevailed the various streets and squares throughout Libya, especially in the capital, Tripoli, in celebration of the 11th anniversary of February 17 Revolution.

The squares, buildings, institutions and streets in all cities were decorated with the raising of independence flags.

The correspondents of the Libyan News Agency monitored the preparations underway in various cities, regions and villages by adorning the municipalities and decorating them with national flags and banners welcoming this occasion within the celebrations of the 17th of February, in a manner befitting this historic event in the hearts of Libyans.

The Libyan people commemorate this anniversary as they are more committed to keeping Libya united, and committed to the principles of the revolution and its noble goals, and to completing its path in establishing comprehensive national reconciliation in order to build a state of institutions and law.

Source: Libyan News Agency