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Libyan Investment expects its profits to rise to (2) billion dollars during the year 2023.


The head of the Libyan Investment Authority, “Ali Mahmoud Hassan,” confirmed that the institution’s profits during the year 2022 amounted to $1.2 billion, expecting to achieve profits of $2 billion during the year 2023.

This came in a speech he gave on the occasion of announcing the approval of the financial institution’s data and its conformity with its lists, which the president of the institution considered a pivotal stage in the institution’s work.

“Mahmoud” said that the institution is currently working on auditing the accounts of recent years, pointing out that it will be completed in conjunction with the completion of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

The head of the Libyan Investment Authority considered that the success in tightening control over the portfolios and subsidiaries helped merit the completion of the auditing process.

And he stressed that after we complete the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, we will manage the subsidiary portfolios in the manner of managing companies as a group (LIA Group).

Source: Libyan News Agency