A female leader in the banned PKK killed in northern Iraq

The Turkish Intelligence Service announced the killing of a female leader in the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in a security operation in northern Iraq.

Turkish security sources reported on Wednesday that Turkish intelligence agents tracked the movements of the organization’s leader /Gulistan Tekik/ nicknamed /Blin Batman/ as she was active in the city of Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq.

These sources indicated that Turkish intelligence monitored every step taken by the leader Batman during the recent period, and waited for the most appropriate time to eliminate her in her den through a qualitative and precise operation carried out in the city of Sulaymaniyah, which represented a major blow and loss to the terrorist organization and disrupted its terrorist activities in the region.

They explained that Batman was working in the so-called “Science and Enlightenment Committee” affiliated with the organization in rural areas, and had a fake identity card issued by the organization with special instructi
ons from the leader in the organization called /Murad Karayilan/ in Sulaymaniyah.

Batman was carrying out propaganda and misleading activities for the organization in Sulaymaniyah, and was also responsible for spreading the organization’s ideology, according to the same sources, which stated that she joined the organization in 1998.

The leader, Belin Batman, is wanted by security and judicial authorities for being a “member of an armed terrorist organization.” She received training in the Qandil Mountains and became an “official” in the Hakurk/Henri region, while she moved to Syria and continued her activities within the so-called “female structure” of the terrorist organization there with her fake identity, then headed to Iraq, before the operation to eliminate her was carried out.

It is mentioned that Turkey is carrying out operations to combat the PKK organization, which targets forces and citizens and is active in several countries in the region, including Syria, Iraq and Iran. The armed organization i
s active in northern Iraq and uses the Qandil Mountains as a stronghold, and is also active in many cities, regions and valleys, from which it launches attacks inside Turkey.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency