16 suspects arrested in a tribal armed conflict in Maysan

The Federal Police forces arrested 16 accused parties to an armed quarrel following a tribal dispute in Maysan Governorate.

The command stated in a statement: “In continuation of the tireless efforts made by the Federal Police units aimed at establishing security and enforcing the rule of law, and after intelligence of a tribal dispute in (Al-Mudathra) area in Maysan Governorate, a joint security team was formed from the Eleventh Brigade of the Third Division in the Federal Police, supported by intelligence efforts, and headed to the intended location and cordoned off the area that caused the injury of one of the members of the force carrying out the duty as a result of the firing of bullets between the two parties. After controlling the situation, 16 accused parties to the quarrel were arrested, and in their possession (4 rifles of different types, 9 ammunition magazines, 285 bullets, 3 motorcycles).

Source: National Iraqi News Agency