Two accused arrested for assaulting a young artist in Erbil

The Erbil Asayish Directorate announced today, Monday, the arrest of two accused who appeared in a video recording circulated on social media sites and platforms, while they were assaulting a young artist named (Basman Al-Khatib)..

The Directorate said that it “arrested them after an arrest warrant was issued against them by the Erbil Asayish Investigative Judge, and they are the accused (A, B, Y) and the accused (A, A, H), where one of them assaulted the artist, and the other filmed the incident, and after investigating the accused, it became clear that the origin of the dispute is a social issue.”

It added that “any person who violates the security of citizens and the law, and holds any position or occupies any position, will be held accountable according to the applicable law.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency