President of the Republic: The responsibility to combat drugs and psychotropic substances is shared and requires solidarity and cooperation

President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid stressed that the responsibility to combat drugs and psychotropic substances is a shared responsibility that requires solidarity and cooperation, and that everyone should play their role in it from state institutions, civil society and individuals.

The Presidency’s media office said in a statement, “Rashid indicated in the speech delivered on his behalf by the representative of the head of the Presidency of the Republic, Kamel Karim Al-Dulaimi, today, Sunday, during the first national conference on the national project for preventive guidance from the danger of drugs, which was held at Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad, the importance of adopting a clear, comprehensive national strategy that includes prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, with the necessity of strengthening the role of the law in reducing the spread of this dangerous phenomenon.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency