Pentagon: Washington will enhance air defense capabilities in the Middle East

The US Department of Defense “Pentagon” announced that Washington will enhance air defense capabilities in the Middle East in the coming days.

A statement published today, Sunday, on the official website of the Pentagon said: “Secretary of Defense Austin was receiving updates and providing guidance to his team over the weekend on the latest developments in the Middle East, and he and the leaders of the Department of Defense are focused on protecting American citizens and forces in the region, defending Israel, and de-escalating through deterrence and diplomacy.”

The statement added: “The Secretary increased the readiness of additional US forces for deployment, which enhances our readiness to respond to various contingencies, and the Department of Defense continues to maintain integrated and robust air defense capabilities across the Middle East, to ensure the protection of US forces operating in the region.”

The statement stressed that the United States “retains the ability to deploy forces on short notice
, and the Department continues to maintain a high level of capability in the region and dynamically adjust the posture of U.S. forces based on the evolving security situation.”

According to the statement, “the United States is determined to prevent Iran and its partners and proxies from exploiting the situation or expanding the scope of the conflict.”

Secretary Austin also explained, according to the statement, that “if Iran or its partners or proxies target U.S. personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take all necessary action to defend its citizens.”

‘Austin directed that the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group remain in the USCENTCOM area of operations, and that the USS Wasp Amphibious Carrier Strike Group continue to operate in the eastern Mediterranean. He complements this maritime posture with the Department of Defense’s enhanced strike fighter squadrons, including the F-22, F-15E, F-16, and A-10, and we will enhance our defensive air support capabilities in the coming days,
‘ the statement continued.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency