Nicola Orlando: Appointing a new governor and deputy governor for the Central Bank of Libya is an important step to enhance the country’s financial stability.

Tripoli: The European Union Ambassador to Libya, Nicola Orlando, welcomed the appointment of a new governor and deputy governor for the Central Bank of Libya, stressing that this is a major achievement resulting from the settlement facilitated by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya between the House of Representatives and the State Council. “Orlando” said in a tweet posted on his account on “X” that restoring the governance, independence and accountability of the Central Bank is an urgent priority, stressing that the selection of qualified technocratic leadership, including the Board of Directors, is essential to rebuild confidence in the institution and protect economic and financial stability in Libya.

“Orlando” expressed his optimism that this pivotal agreement will pave the way for further progress towards transparent and accountable management of Libya’s wealth and revenues, and ensure that benefits reach citizens across the country.

The EU Ambassador to Libya urged all concerned parties to ens
ure the immediate resumption of oil and gas production, which is essential to promote development, growth and shared prosperity for all Libyans.

“Orlando” reiterated the EU Mission’s readiness to support this Libyan-led effort facilitated by the United Nations, including through our role as co-chair of the Berlin Process Economic Working Group, as Libya moves towards unity, stability and long-term prosperity.

Source: Libyan News Agency