Media sources: The representatives and the state agree to appoint (Naji Issa) as the governor of the Central Bank and (Marai Al-Barasi) as his deputy.

Tripoli: Media sources reported that representatives of the House of Representatives and the State Council, under the auspices of the UN mission, reached an agreement to assign “Naji Issa” as governor of the Central Bank and “Marai Al-Barasi” as his deputy.

These sources explained that the agreement stipulates postponing the naming of the rest of the members of the Board of Directors, so that the governor and his deputy will name them and refer them to the House of Representatives and the State Council for approval.

“Naji Issa”, the potential candidate to lead the bank in the coming period, has held the position of Director of the Issuance Department at the Central Bank for years.

No official sources, whether parliamentary or governmental, have confirmed this news.

Source: Libyan News Agency