Iraq calls from Manama to launch an expanded Arab media alliance to support the Palestinian cause and continue exposing the crimes of the occupation

The head of the Iraqi delegation participating in the fifty-fourth regular session of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, held in the Bahraini capital, Manama, Ali Al-Moayyed, Chairman of the Media and Communications Commission, confirmed that Iraq today, represented by its people and government led by the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa stands by its Arab brothers and supports their issues, especially the Palestinian issue, which, as everyone knows, has not been absent from Iraq’s discussions in all dialogues, meetings and stations nationally, regionally and internationally.

Al-Muayyad said during his speech, ‘The Iraqi people and government stand by our Palestinian people in their ordeal, and praise all the humanitarian stances that have recorded a global awakening, especially in the scientific edifices represented by university students, cultural elites, workers, and youth, who have proven their stance rejecting all crimes of genocide and their call for support the Palestinian cause and stopping the
blind violence against defenseless civilians. Iraq also rejects the policies of double standards in the scale of international justice, and adopting the slogan (Humanity is indivisible), as the blood of the children and women of Palestine has become a sign and standard for the free people of the world and their humanitarian principles, which is a great gain for this true cause, both in conscience and in the media , thought, and issue.

He called for ‘the presence of representatives of Arab countries in order to launch an expanded Arab media alliance, the goal of which is to support the Palestinian cause, and to continue exposing the crimes of the occupation, which has become a clear genocide against our people in Gaza, leaving more than (35 thousand) martyrs, half of whom are women and children.’ The journalistic family also lost approximately (143) martyrs, according to the latest update by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.’

Regarding environmental and climate challenges, ways to confront them f
rom a media standpoint, and developing an Arab media strategy, Al-Moayyed explained that the Communications and Media Commission held a series of important meetings with thirteen official bodies, between a ministry and a body, for the sake of joint dialogue with the sectors concerned, and to identify the challenges. And opportunities in preparing the strategy. These efforts resulted in the formation of a ministerial committee headed by the Commission, which set the main goals of the strategic features of increasing the number of specialists in the field of environmental media, developing their skills, and developing their environmental awareness.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency