Georgette Gagnon: Libyans seek peace and stability despite the challenges they face.

The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations and Humanitarian Coordinator, “Georgette Gagnon”, stressed the importance of resolving the current political impasse and building a future full of peace, prosperity and unity in Libya.

This came in a speech she delivered on the occasion of the end of her duties in Libya, according to what was published by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya on its website.

“Gagnon” said, “Throughout the years of my mission in the country, I have witnessed the strength and determination of people from all over Libya, who are tirelessly striving despite the great challenges, for peace, stability and a better future, noting that the determination, steadfastness and courage of the people in Libya will remain a source of inspiration for me and a permanent sense of gratitude and humility.

“Gagnon” expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the Libyan people for the warm welcome and support they have extended to her thr
oughout more than three years of service in the country as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator.

She also stressed that the United Nations family in the country has made tangible progress in promoting peace building and sustainable development for the benefit of all in Libya, as highlighted in the United Nations Results Report for 2023.

Source: Libyan News Agency