Foreign Minister affirms Iraq’s firm position in supporting Sudan’s stability

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, met today, Tuesday, with the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, Hussein Awad Ali, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meetings held in New York.

During the meeting, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry, bilateral relations between Iraq and Sudan and ways to enhance them in various fields were reviewed. The two sides also discussed the latest security developments in the region, especially the attacks on Lebanon.

The Sudanese Foreign Minister expressed his country’s support for Iraq’s initiative calling for an Arab and Islamic summit to discuss ways to stop the aggression on Lebanon.

For his part, Fuad Hussein affirmed Iraq’s firm position in supporting Sudan’s stability and internal security, and Iraq’s readiness to support and facilitate internal dialogue initiatives towards reconciliation, while stressing the importance of unifying the Arab position to support this trend.

Source: National Ira
qi News Agency