Raisi: Iran will continue to stand by Syria and its people, and it is confident that victory will be its ally in the end


President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, gave an interview to the Syrian Arab News Agency “SANA” and the Syrian TV channel Al-Suriya, in which he indicated that the Syrian stance is correct, since Syria, despite the threats and sanctions against it, opposes the powers of universal evil to achieve justice and peace.

President Raisi pointed out that the Americans occupied some areas in Syria to loot its resources in an attempt to achieve their goals that they failed to achieve through terrorism, but the resistance of the Syrian people will defeat their plans, and victory will be Syria’s ally in the end.

Raisi stressed that the solution to the concerns of Syria’s neighboring countries is the return of all Syrian lands to the sovereignty of the state, stressing that there should be no Turkish forces on any part of the Syrian territory.

Question: How do you evaluate the outcomes of the distinguished, strong and well-established relations between Syria and Iran over four and a half decades, and how do you view its future extent?

Raisi said “After the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Syrian-Iranian relations witnessed a new shape. The stances of the founding leader Hafez al-Assad were distinguished towards the Palestinian cause and the resistance front, since he has often declared his support for the resistance axis, his stnces are fair and strong against the Zionist entity, and these positions continue during the era of President Bashar al-Assad,”.

Raisi :Syria is at the forefront of the countries of resistance and it stood clearly and strongly against Zionist greed, ambitions and aggressions, and assumed a prominent position in this alliance, cooperating with everyone who stands against the Zionist entity, and as long as President Assad affirmed these stances , we found in Iran that standing against the entity Zionism with the Palestinian people has become the first issue of Iranian foreign policy, as His Eminence Imam Khomeini declared that the Palestinian issue is the first issue of the Islamic world, and the issue of liberating Al-Quds Al-Sharif always has priority.

Raisi added: The relations between Syria and Iran were strengthened and increased steadily, as the axis of evil, led by the Zionist entity and the United States, weaved various conspiracies against Syria, and there is a question: How were these groups established, how were they supported, and who facilitated their access to Syria? I want to rely on the statements of the Americans themselves. One of the candidates for the American elections said: “We are the ones who created ISIS”, a clear American recognition, so how do they claim that they want to fight ISIS? Their contradiction is clear. They created ISIS and the takfiri groups, and they rant that they want to fight it, despite the threats and sanctions against Syria imposed by the Americans and the West.

Raisi said: Syria stands against the forces of global evil in order to achieve justice and peace. We are in Iran and under the leadership of the imam. Khamenei insists on standing by the Syrian people and constantly supporting the axis of resistance.

Question: Syria suffered during the years of the war and is still suffering from the consequences of terrorism and its destruction of infrastructure, in addition to the occupation of the oil wells by the American forces and the QSD militia, which constituted a burden on the economy and the livelihood of the Syrian people. Tehran provided assistance to Syria in this aspect, what is your assessment of the relations The Syrian-Iranian economy in its current situation?

” Syria is not a poor country but a rich one with its people, agriculture , and underground resources , it can witness a huge economic growth, where the Americans occupied some regions in Syria because of Syria’s resources and blundering them in front of the whole world, adding that US , and some western countries allied with Zionist entity will not be able to weaken Syria military so they are trying to weaken it from the sides of economy, and economic siege , no doubt that they will be defeated through the resistance of Syrian people as the victory will be the ally of Syrians at the end ,as the signals are obvious in the global system for the sake of resistance front , the references affirmed that on the contrary of Zionists and Americans , What is happening today globally is a kind of shift to a new world and new forces are being formed against US unilateralism.” Raisi said.

Question: Mr. President, you are talking about this new world order. The truth is that this order has become perhaps more clear in this period, whether in terms of the victories achieved by the resistance front, which you talked about a lot in your answer, or in terms of some countries that have become friendly to both wings. The resistance, I mean Iran and Syria, the question is how do you see the future of this new world order?

Raisi : We witnessed in Iran the experience of threats and sanctions but that didn’t weak our reinforcement and not succeed to weaken us , this is not only from our point of view rather it is the point of view of White House which announced that this policy has failed in Iran , and we transferred these threats and sanctions, to a chance for us.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency