Erdogan: The Palestinian territories are witnessing a massacre, as happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Gaza and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories are witnessing a massacre similar to the one that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s.

Erdogan added in a joint press conference held today, Saturday, with the Chairman of the Bosnian Presidential Council Denis Becerovic: “We are witnessing in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories today a massacre similar to the one that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s.”

He stressed that “the perpetrators of what is happening in Gaza will be held accountable just as the perpetrators of the genocide in Srebrenica were convicted in international courts.”

Erdogan continued: “We will hold accountable the killers of (Turkish-American activist) Aisha Noor, who was killed by Israel along with more than 41 thousand of our brothers and sisters in Gaza.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency