Al-Sudani: In occupied Palestine, a people are being attacked by an occupying military force that is displacing millions and killing thousands without deterrence

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said that in occupied Palestine, a people are being attacked by an occupying military force that is displacing millions and killing thousands without deterrence, and there is open talk of mass starvation to exterminate this people.

The Prime Minister added: In his speech before the United Nations General Assembly, the international community or any of its members did not abide by the responsibility of protection due to them according to international law.

The Prime Minister stressed: The Palestinian people were deprived of the right to live in dignity in a state like other peoples amidst a shameful global failure.

Al-Sudani continued, “We have witnessed more disregard that has made international law and Security Council resolutions mere ink on paper.”

Prime Minister stressed that changing international borders using force and against UN Security Council resolutions is a dangerous precedent that threatens the entire international system and strikes at the foundations
of international institutions.

He said: In an attempt to further extremism, the occupation cites UN Security Council Resolution 1701 as a pretext for aggression against Lebanon and selectively chooses this resolution and some of its provisions while ignoring numerous resolutions and indisputable principles of international law.

He explained: We are witnessing a brutal campaign of indiscriminate killing and the use of technology to carry out remote bombings without regard for defenseless civilians in a dangerous precedent that indicates the extent of the occupation government’s involvement and immersion in committing crimes against humanity.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency