Arrival of a security delegation representing the International and Asian Football Federations to Iraq

A security delegation representing the International and Asian Football Federations arrived in the capital, Baghdad, on Sunday evening, and they were received by Dr. Aqeel Al-Hamdani, Rapporteur of the Security Committee in the Iraqi Football Associat…

Arrival of a security delegation representing the International and Asian Football Federations to Iraq Read More

Air traffic at Sabha International Airport has been suspended due to damage caused by heavy rains last night.

Tripoli: The Security Directorate of Sabha Airport announced the suspension of air traffic at the airport due to damage caused by rainwater.

The directorate said in a statement published by its media office on its official Facebook page that the heav…

Air traffic at Sabha International Airport has been suspended due to damage caused by heavy rains last night. Read More

Due to floods: the main roads linking the areas of Tarbo and Zuwayla in the southwest of the country were cut off.

Tripoli: The office of the presidency of the government assigned by the parliament in the southern region warned citizens and drivers of vehicles to take precautions due to the interruption of roads linking the areas of Tarbo and Zuwayla located in th…

Due to floods: the main roads linking the areas of Tarbo and Zuwayla in the southwest of the country were cut off. Read More